Adjustment layers, 12, 15–16

isolating corrections in, 60–65


Blend If sliders, 163–166

splitting, 168

Blend If tool, for advanced blending, 161

applications, 168–179

color-based mask creation, 167, 181–187

features, 162–168

for masking, 180–187

knockouts feature, 168–169

transparency creation, 181–187


advanced. see Blend If tool

color targeting in, 167

modes, 134

Brush size, 87


Calibration devices, 28, 35

Canvas Extension Color, 19

Channels, 109, 189–190, 221

for separations of color image into RGB components, 206–209

grayscale, 209

Clone Stamp, 74, 105–107

Collage, 247–249. see also Panoramas

definition, 246

guidelines for, 246–247


enhancements, 101–102

filtration to reproduce color from black and white, 199–203

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