Chapter 6 Sharing Your Photos Onscreen
The Adobe Lightroom eBook for Digital Photographers
the Look of
Your Slides
The defaults are okay, but after you create a slide show or two with them, you’re
going to be saying stuff like, “I wish I could change the background color” or
“I wish I could add some text at the bottom” or “I wish my slide show looked
better.” (Note: You’re not saying you wish your photos looked better—you wish
your slide show looked better.) Well, this is where you start to create your own
custom look for your slides, so it looks just the way you want it, every time.
Step One:
Once the photos you want in your
slide show are in place, now it’s time
to focus on the look of your slide show.
Lightroom comes with several pre-
designed templates, and you can apply
any of them by just clicking on them in
the Template Browser on the left side of
the Lightroom window (as shown here,
where I’ve clicked on the Default tem-
plate, which puts your photos over a gray
background with a thin white border
and a hard drop shadow, and makes your
Identity Plate appear in the upper-left
corner. More on this later).
Step Two:
If you move your cursor over each tem-
plate name in the Template Browser,
you’ll see a preview (up in the preview
window above the Template Browser) of
how a slide in your slide show will look if
you use that particular template. Besides
the Grid view, there’s also a Slide view so
you can see your slide layouts up close.
To switch to Slide view, either double-
click on a slide, or click the Slide button
(shown circled here). Once in Slide view,
click on the EXIF Metadata template to
put your photo on a black background
with your photo’s metadata printed
below it.
103Chapter 6Sharing Your Photos Onscreen
The Adobe Lightroom eBook for Digital Photographers
Step Three:
If you decide that you’d prefer to create
your own custom look for your slides,
rather than using Adobe's templates,
then you might as well tuck the Template
Browser out of sight so you have a larger
work area. To do that, just click once on
the far-left side of Lightroom’s window
(as shown) and the panel will tuck itself
away. Look how much larger your work
area is now, and all the essential adjust-
ment panels are still on the far-right side
of the window. Now, let’s get to custom-
izing your look.
Step Four:
To create your own custom look, you
can use the current template as a start-
ing place (if you like), or you can switch
to a different template and use that (if
you move your cursor to the left side of
the screen, your Template Browser will
pop back out). For our example here,
we’ll just use that EXIF Metadata tem-
plate as a starting place to customize our
slide show. First, let’s look at sizing your
photos on the slide (basically, determin-
ing how large your photos will appear).
You do this by clicking-and-dragging on
the margin grid lines that appear around
your photo. If you click-and-drag inward,
it shrinks your photo (as shown here).

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