Principle 17
Investing in Yourself
It is not the mountain that we conquer, but ourselves.
—Sir Edmund Hillary
In this chapter, you will learn the true difference between entertainment and education. You will learn why many people fail to create wealth and how to avoid the things in our lives that steal precious time and inhibit our ability to invest in ourselves. I will introduce you to a new online goal management system that is sure to reduce the time it takes you to achieve your goals. Finally, you will learn how the wealthiest American ever, John D. Rockefeller, made his fortune.
The challenge with many people today is that they believe their education is completed when they graduate from college. The reality is that education is a lifetime process. A famous anonymous quote sums it up:
You will be the same person you are today in five years, except for the people you meet and the books you read.
I recently read an alarming statistic that said something like 60 percent of college graduates will never again read a book start to finish for the rest of their lives. If that is true, it is a sad statistic. I believe it is partly true today because of all the other choices competing for our time and our entertainment desires.
Entertainment versus Education
My good friend, best-selling author, and mentor Brian Tracy taught me the most about investing in yourself. Brian says that on average most people will spend only 1 hour investing in themselves for every 40 hours they spend entertaining ...