© Rick Freedman 2016

Rick Freedman, The Agile Consultant, 10.1007/978-1-4302-6053-0_3

3. The EVOLVE Framework for Agile Evolution

Rick Freedman

(1)Lenexa, Kansas, USA

In Chapter 1 we looked at existing transformation frameworks, like ADKAR (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement), ADAPT (Awareness, Desire, Ability, Promotion, Transfer) , and Kotter’s “accelerators.” Each of these frameworks has a lot to recommend it. So why do I feel the need to develop a completely new framework, rather than just advising you to learn and use one of these existing change models?

As mentioned, there are gaps in these frameworks for an agile consultant. Cohn’s ADAPT framework gives a consultant a basic overview of the necessary conditions for an agile ...

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