CHAPTER 71Mastering the AI Talent Transformation: Present and Future
By Sofia Klapp1
1Digital Transformation Manager, Digital Gov, Chile
How artificial intelligence (AI) might disrupt work and society has been a topic of great concern among academics, practitioners and media outlets over the last decade. This chapter is an invitation for leaders to think further about the AI-talent transformation challenge in the context of AI-in-practice while being prepared for an AI-driven future.
The AI-Prediction Debate: Technology Anxiety and AI, Is This Time Different?
Historically, new technologies have been considered a source of economic progress, but also a source of anxiety among the general population, due to their potential to replace human work, creating, as a consequence, unemployment and further inequality. In the past, technological advancements have eliminated some jobs, but have also shown the potential to generate new ones, whilst transforming others.
However, some economists hold the alarming view that in an AI-driven future, a discontinuation of this past trend will take place. Well-known supporters of this position are Brynjolfsson and McAfee, who argue that AI capabilities are different from other past automation technologies because machine learning is capable of performing highly complex cognitive tasks.1 This capacity enables AI to emulate tacit knowledge, which was previously thought to be limited to humans. Also, both authors forecast that AI advancements will ...
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