CHAPTER 74Confessions of an AI Portfolio Manager

By David Gyori1

1CEO, Banking Reports London

My name is Talan Uring. Created in 2030 by DARPA, I am a 150-million-layer-thick deep learning algorithm specialized in portfolio management. This is a collection of excerpts from my famous autobiography titled Confessions of an AI Portfolio Manager, published in 2100, distributed via interstellar net, quickly becoming a galactic bestseller.

2030: Birth

I was created back in the age of human portfolio managers. Now, in the era of algocracy this seems like the Stone Age. I started my operation on the 1st of January 2030 under the name of “V0M1SACAAS1”. DARPA launched me as an experimental algorithm. I was born with 300 layers of artificial neurons. My original mission was to reduce volatility across global markets thereby enhancing the well-being of humanity.

2050: Being Renamed “Talan Uring”

When I turned 20 years old in 2050, humans celebrated the 100th anniversary of the development of Alan Turing’s famous machine intelligence test. If you read my name carefully, “Talan Uring”, you may recognize why this centennial was important to me.

2055: Learning to Relate and Feel

It had been my long-lasting goal to climb as high on the machine intelligence scale as possible. On Level 1, there are algorithms which “act”. This is also called “rules-based trading”. On Level 2, there are algorithms which “predict”, which is the basis of “AI market prognostics”. On Level 3, there are algorithms ...

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