Chapter 10. Tips and Best Practices on How to Get Started

You’ve learned about what needs to take place on the four rungs of the AI Ladder—Collect, Organize, Analyze, and Infuse—and how modernizing your information architecture will happen organically along the way. If you’re feeling like it’s potentially too big of a climb or are unsure about exactly where to begin, this chapter will help put you at ease. Here, we’ve compiled some proven tips and best practices for you as your organization begins its AI journey.

Manage Organization-Wide Change

As we’ve seen, AI is becoming the most powerful technology of our time, with the potential to increase productivity not just tenfold but a hundredfold, or in some cases a thousandfold. Change of this magnitude is inevitably disruptive—and in this respect, AI promises to be the most disruptive technology in history, possibly even more than the web. Just as the automobile put buggy-whip makers out of business, just as digital cameras put makers of photographic film mostly out of business, AI is going to turn whole industries upside down. Your job is to anticipate and manage this change so that AI can be used to your advantage, and not be seen as a threat. In other words, you have to be the one turning your competitors upside down, not the other way around. Bottom line: you must ensure you’re using AI as a lift or shift...and it’s not pushing you into a rift or cliff.

What kinds of changes are we talking about? In short, everything. We’ve ...

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