Accenture, 238
acquisitions, 42
action-oriented learning models, 65
activity, vs. capability, 19
adaptability, 38, 134
administration role, 36
Alexcel Group, 188
Allied Waste Industries, 141
ambassadorship, 234
Annan, Kofi, 221
anticipatory creativity, 219
channeling into productive action, 168
destructive vs. productive, 170–172
Aon Consulting, 187
apprenticeship model, 241
approachability, 124
The Art of Possibility (Zander and Zander), 225
arts and leadership, 219–226
business organization forms, 39
executive styles, 35–45
assertiveness, 128
Assessment Plus, 26
asset recombination, 40
attention, giving to employees, 76
Austin, Rob, 219, 222, 223
awareness, 111–118
of job assignment impact, 96
Badaracco, Joseph, 203
Beaudoin, Laurent, 259
behaviors, 234–235
showing you care, 122–129
benchmarking, 18–19
Berry, Dean, 241
Best Companies to Work For, 111
best practices, 18–19, 243
Bischoff, Win, 241
Blanchard, Ken, 76
boards of directors, 62
Booz Allen Hamilton, 187, 243, 246
bottom line, people leadership investment
and, 91–98
Branson, Richard, 162
Brightmore-Armour, Diana, 231–232
Building Cross-Cultural Competence
(Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner), 256
Built to Last (Collins), 134
business, love of, 86
business in U.S., characteristics, 39–40
business literacy, 86
business organization form in West, 39
Cahill, Thomas,
Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea, 205
call-center operations, 92
capability, vs. activity, 19
career management, 239–240
caring, 121–130
behaviors displaying, 122–129
helping others to see, 129–130
Carlzon, Jan, 255
and diversity management, 17
as executive development champions, 69
as role models, 37
turnover, 187
Challenger Gray & Christmas, 187
American Management Association

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