4Declare War on Your Competitors and on Incrementalism

The cold truth is that business is much more like war than most people would care to believe. Your competitors are trying to steal your customers and cut into your profits, so you need to play defense and offense at the same time. Having excellent products will only get you part of the way to success. You also need to cultivate allies within your customer organizations and entice talent away from your competitors. Perhaps even more important is declaring war on incrementalism to pursue audacious goals. One of the keys to defeating your competitors—especially longtime industry players—is a solid growth model that will help you push the limits of your business.

The following activities will help you prepare a battle plan for a war fought on two fronts: against your competitors and against incrementalism. They will also consider how you can best lead your people as you pursue your audacious goals together.


Knowing the enemy is a key part of your battle plan. Consider your biggest competitor and analyze their value proposition by first focusing on their strengths. What do they promise their customers? What do they do particularly well?







Now, while remaining objective, identify their weaknesses. Instead of focusing on how your offering is better, describe all the potential pitfalls their customers could encounter and resist the urge to defend your company's position. Is anything about their business ...

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