Chapter 12Static Analysis
Static analysis is a research method used to analyze software without actually executing it. This method involves extracting all the information relevant to the analysis (such as finding bugs) using static means.
Analyzing code with static analysis is often done by reading its source code or the corresponding assembly in the case of closed-source products. Although this is, naturally, the most time-consuming technique used to analyze a piece of software, it offers the best results overall, because it forces the analyst to understand how the software works at the lower levels.
This chapter discusses how you can use static analysis techniques to discover vulnerabilities in antivirus software. It focuses on the de facto tool for static analysis, IDA.
Performing a Manual Binary Audit
Manual binary auditing is the process of manually analyzing the assembly code of the relevant binaries from a software product in order to extract artifacts from it. As an example, this chapter shows you how to manually audit an old version of F-Secure Anti-Virus for Linux with the aim of discovering some vulnerability that you could exploit remotely, such as a bug in the file format parsers. Fortunately for reverse-engineers, this antivirus product comes with symbolic information, which makes the static analysis audit easier.
When you have symbolic information either because the program database (PDB) files were present for a Windows application or because the DWARF debugging ...
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