Chapter 3Prosperity Mindset

DOI: 10.4324/9781003372684-4

When you are oriented to abundance, you care less about being in control, and you take more risks.

Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander

3.1 Business Mindset

3.1.1 General Aspects of Mindset

You can get everything in life if you will just help others to get what they want.

Zig Ziglar

Some define mentality or mindset as “mental perspective,” “thought processes,” “way to view the world,” “personal paradigm,” or “mental attitude.” A mindset prompts a person to act in a specific way. Most psychologists observe that a person’s mindset is affected by three important elements: beliefs, values, and emotional states. A mindset is related to an “inside-out” approach; one’s internal resources ...

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