Chapter 10The Three-Step Change Process Model to Leading Personal and Organizational Change
Netflix is now bigger than CBS #disruption
—Tweeted by @joannmoretti April 2015
Embrace the Disruption
Disruption is a big word being bandied about by technology firms and innovative company leaders. There is now a growing and global understanding that innovation cannot happen without disruption. Something needs to be disturbed and disrupted before it can transform to the next level. It also is a word that is now being rejected by tech firms as being on overused term.
The other evening my husband Reg and I were watching Shark Tank (I love that show because of the entrepreneur/innovation mix) and there was a mother and son on the show proposing a product…wait for it…Squatty Potty. I hesitated in sharing this story in this book but it's a great example of disruption of a product and an industry. The mother on the team had discovered that as she was aging she needed a better solution for “doing her business” and invented the Squatty Potty. Turns out that about two-thirds of the world “goes” this way and it's healthier and better for you. The concept, of course, was titillating for media and embarrassing enough to get the attention of Dr. Oz where they promoted the product before appearing on Shark Tank. The Sharks all giggled nervously at the concept and it was Lori Greiner as the Shark that invested in the company. A few weeks later I am casually watching Dr. Oz one evening and there on ...
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