
My mom always said it was never a good time to have a baby, and she had 10. Whenever she told my dad, “Okay, Eddie, I'm pregnant,” he would run right out and buy another bed. When I started the Corcoran Group, I grew the company the way my mom did her family. We grew from 6 to 60 salespeople in our first five years, and from 60 to 1,000 salespeople over the next 20 years, because I knew the secret to growing a business fast is to never wait until you're ready.

Every great entrepreneur I know expands long before their business is ready. It's the only formula I know for aggressive growth. It forces you to think faster and move smarter because you're always overextended and you have to pay the rent. With growth, many times additional funding is required to support the operations.

I sit in a privileged seat as a shark/investor on the Emmy-winning reality show Shark Tank, and each season we hear hundreds of heartfelt pitches from passionate entrepreneurs who are looking for funding. We listen to pitches for everything from the ingenious to the ridiculous, and get to put our own hard-earned money behind the concepts we believe will be big winners. Once a deal is closed, the fun part begins when I get to work one-on-one with the entrepreneur with whom I'm investing. I shepherd them from dream to execution, past all the hurdles and hard times, and if we're all a little bit lucky, on to a genuine, breakout success!

However, before I put my time, my money, and my partner's money ...

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