© Allan Kelly 2019
A. KellyThe Art of Agile Product Ownershiphttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5168-3_12

12. Specialist Help

Allan Kelly1 
London, UK

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

—Helen Keller1

I explained that there was an awful lot of work for a Product Owner to do, then I suggested some things a Product Owner should NOT be doing, next I suggested how the role can be refactored to reduce the workload. Now I’d like to suggest some more ways a Product Owner can reduce their workload.

More importantly, what follows is not just advice for reducing the workload; this advice can help Product Owners do a better job by involving more people, getting more views and more expertise involved.

Use the team

In the old days, it was ...

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