© Allan Kelly 2019
A. KellyThe Art of Agile Product Ownershiphttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5168-3_8

8. Onstage Product Owner

Allan Kelly1 
London, UK

True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but the refusal to acquire it.

—Karl Popper, Philosopher (1902–1994)

As you read this list of things the Product Owner should be doing as part of the team to keep the agile/scrum process working effectively, ask yourself:
  • What knowledge does the Product Owner need in order to do this effectively?

Writing user stories

If I had asked you to write a list of the things you think a Product Owner should do, I am sure most readers would have written down “writing user stories” first.

True, most Product Owners will write plenty of User Stories. But...

The ...

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