About the Author

Laura Fredricks, based in New York City, is the billion-dollar ask-maker powerhouse, who, as CEO and founder of THE A$K, trains and coaches nonprofits and businesses on how to ask for money—and more of it. She is the first to combine the most trusted professions—law and philanthropy— to show how any person, charity, or business can raise money in unprecedented levels. For over 25 years, she has advised organizations around the globe on current trends within the philanthropic world and has shared her thoughts on the management of their assets, personnel, and organizational structure. Her five books, including THE ASK, are the international industry-leading, go-to guides. She is today's money wellness expert and has become a media personality.

As an attorney-turned-philanthropic advisor, Laura Fredricks knows how to ask. She comes from a seasoned career in industries best known for making the most high-profile asks—law and philanthropy—and is the first to merge strategies from both professional sectors into a mainstream practice now known as THE ASK, also available for the business and consumer lifestyle marketplace. This new practice has placed Laura on the national and international speaking circuits and at conferences around the world from Amsterdam to Annapolis, Bologna to Boca Raton, Moscow to Madison, Sydney to Seattle, and Vancouver to Vail. THE ASK has also led her to TV and radio appearances on national and local talk shows, and her expertise has been ...

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