Looking for the Next Elevator

I recall waiting for an elevator in a hotel lobby in Sydney once. As the doors opened, the waiting individuals started to shuffle in, and the music that was playing became louder and more upbeat. It was indeed a party elevator, and not only did it take you up to the restaurant level but it was fun as it detected that there was a small crowd onboard! Moving to a new job in search of better opportunities may be likened to a staircase or an escalator – both travel upward, but the elevator has a higher velocity. We want the next elevator to take you to a new, fun challenge.

Figure 10.1 – An elevator as a metaphor for your career
(source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Elevator_2.jpg, uploaded by Misiokk, used according to the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license)

Figure 10.1 – An elevator as a metaphor ...

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