C27 (Crescent Nebula) in Narrowband

A first-light experience of an incredible nebula, using new imaging equipment and software.

Chris Woodhouse


Refractor, 132 mm aperture, 928 mm focal length

TMB Flattener 68

QSI683 (Kodak KAF8300 sensor)

QSI 8-position filter wheel and off-axis guider

Starlight Xpress Lodestar (guide camera)

Paramount MX mount, Berlebach tripod

USB over Cat5 cable extender and interface box

Software: (Windows 7)

Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2, TheSkyX, AstroPlanner

PixInsight (Mac OSX)

Exposure: (Hα OIII, RGB)

Hα, OIII bin 1; 12 × 1,200 seconds each

RGB bin 1; 10 × 300 seconds each

This faint nebula was my real first-light experience of my upgraded imaging equipment and software, using Sequence Generator Pro (SGP) ...

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