6Pillar 3: Collaboration

Pillar 3 is Collaboration and is dedicated to the art of cultivating a work environment where teams can truly thrive. Building upon the foundation laid by Pillar 2, it places a strong emphasis on empowering teams to intentionally design their work environment to facilitate collaboration. As you navigate the intricacies of workplace collaboration through Pillar 3, you will not only create stronger bonds between team members but also establish the ideal conditions for teams to thrive and consistently achieve outstanding results together.

In our global study, 49 percent of organizations stated that their top priority is to create an environment where teams can thrive, and they reported facing challenges in areas such as creating safe spaces and managing team dynamics.

In this chapter, we will delve deeper into strategies and techniques to address these challenges head-on, to build a culture of collaboration within your teams. We will explore the importance of safe spaces and cultivating positive team dynamics, among other key areas. With Pillar 3 as your guide, you have the opportunity to transform your workplace into a hub of innovation, creativity and unparalleled productivity. So, let's begin with the framework and methodology we use in Pillar 3.

Pillar 3 Framework

First Principle: This is how we work together as a team. This is the fundamental concept on which Pillar 3 is based.

Dimensions. Pillar 3 has five Dimensions, each offering a unique perspective ...

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