ACPL, see Avid Component Processing Library

Active picture, 102

Add Edit button, 198199

Advanced Television Standards Committee (ATSC), 132133

After Effects, file importing and exporting, 170171

Alpha channel

import settings, 160

movie importing and exporting, 168

premultiplication, 153157

straight images, 156

Alt/Option key

Drag-and-drop modifiers, 18, 21, 22

segment mode modifiers, 23

AniMatte®, 213

Archiving, see Back up

ATSC, see Advanced Television Standards Committee


connections, 301

edit decision list and sound levels, 336

format options in conforming, 219

J-K-L Scrub sound quality, 4

monitoring, 60

online project setting, 225226

preparing for linear online, 324

ProTools and OMFI files, 168170

recapture and integration, ...

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