Chapter 2. Stage One: Victimhood
The only time there are bumps on the road is when you have inner beliefs that are still limiting you from enjoying them. I was homeless at one point in my life. What happened in me is that I learned the secret. I said that if you're not wealthy and you want to be wealthy, it's probably because of the counterintentions within yourself. You can take all kinds of action, have all kinds of intentions, watch The Secret over and over and over again. Some people watch it two hundred times. Two hundred times! But you won't get a change if you don't take care of the counterintentions. | ||
--Joe Vitale |
Confusion before Clarity
Welcome to Stage One in The Awakening Course. At this point, you might actually be a little confused, and that's actually okay. I have a friend named Mandy Evans, a delightful soul, who wrote a book called Emotional Options, then a second book called Travelling Free. She once said, "Confusion is that wonderful state of mind right before clarity." I've always loved that, because I've been confused many times in my life, but I've noticed that it always pops, the clouds clear, the sun comes out, and suddenly I have a new awareness. Again, that's what we're talking about here. If you're confused right now, it's perfectly fine and you're right on schedule. In fact, you may become confused a few more times throughout this program. So stay with me and enjoy the process.
Learn to Recognize the Victim Mind-Set
We're going to be talking about the very ...
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