#45 Maze Runner 3D
This three-dimensional maze runner provides the player with a first-person view from inside a maze. Try to find your way out! You can generate maze files by following the instructions in Project 44, “Maze Runner 2D,” or by downloading maze files from https://invpy.com/mazes/.
The Program in Action
When you run mazerunner3d.py, the output will look like this:
Maze Runner 3D, by Al Sweigart al@inventwithpython.com
(Maze files are generated by mazemakerrec.py)
Enter the filename of the maze (or LIST or QUIT):
> maze75x11s1.txt
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░ \ / ░ ░ \_________/ ░ ░ | | ░ ░ | | ░ ░ | | ░ ░ | | ░ ░ | | ░ ░ | | ░ ░ | ...
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