♣C♣Trademark Notices

We do not claim any ownership to trademarks or registered names, we want to thank all those people and companies that spend money and time to produce great software and make it available for free to allow others to stand on the shoulders of giants. We used also names of well known companies and some of their commercial products. Also these words are only used as a citation and their rightful owner is the source.

C.1 General Trademark Notices

Some often used words are here:

  • RStudio and Shiny are registered trademarks of RStudio, Inc.
  • Excel and R are trademarks of Microsoft, Inc.
  • Linux is a trademark owned by Linus Torvalds.
  • Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
  • SAS is owned by the SAS Institute for advanced analytics
  • Tableau is ownde by Tableau Software, Inc.
  • Spark, MySQL, Hadoop are owned by the Apache Software Foundation.
  • Excel is owned by Microsoft.

All other references to names, people, software and companies are made without any claim of ownership. For example: IBM, FORTRAN, BASIC, CODASYL, COBOL, CALC, SQL, INGRES, DS, DB, CPUs, noSQL, CAP, NewSQL, Nvidia, AMD, Intel, PHP, Python, Perl, etc. all are companies or registered trademarks by other companies. This holds also for all other names that we might have omited in this list.

C.2 R-Related Notices

C.2.1 Crediting Developers of R Packages

R has a built in mechanism to cite the use of packages in scientific work. So, let us use those and honour all the packages ...

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