The BIID Interior Design Job Book

Book description

The BIID Interior Design Job Book is the first book to set out the professional standard for running an interior design project. It does so step by step, in a sequence designed to complement the construction industry’s standard Plan of Work.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Contents
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. Preface
  7. Introduction
  8. About the authors
  9. Cast of characters
  10. The RIBA Plan of Work
  11. Diagram of the organisation of this book
  12. P Preliminary
    1. P1 Fundamentals
      1. Fundamentals stage
      2. Notes on practice stationery
      3. Specimen practice stationery
      4. Notes on emails
      5. Specimen email
      6. Notes on discussion record
      7. Specimen discussion record
      8. Notes on document issue
      9. Specimen document issue
      10. Notes on print register
      11. Specimen print register
      12. Notes on time sheets
      13. Specimen time sheets
      14. Notes on expenses record
      15. Specimen expenses record
    2. P2 Proposal
      1. Proposal stage
      2. Fee proposals
      3. Model letter to prospective client
      4. Specimen curriculum vitae
    3. P3 Pre-appointment
      1. Pre-appointment stage
      2. Designer’s responsibilities to clients
      3. Risk avoidance
      4. Background to ID/10
      5. Why use ID/10?
      6. How to use ID/10
      7. Notes on appointment letters
      8. Model appointment letter to commercial client
      9. Model appointment letter to consumer client
      10. Model appointment letter to client (contingent)
      11. Notes on Schedule of Fees and Expenses
      12. Specimen Schedule of Fees and Expenses
      13. Specimen alternative payment instalments schedule
      14. Explanation of ID/10 terms (1/6)
      15. Explanation of ID/10 terms (2/6)
      16. Explanation of ID/10 terms (3/6)
      17. Explanation of ID/10 terms (4/6)
      18. Explanation of ID/10 terms (5/6)
      19. Explanation of ID/10 terms (6/6)
  13. AB Preparation
    1. A Appraisal
      1. Appraisal stage
      2. Notes on letter to client re appraisal
      3. Model letter to client re appraisal
      4. Notes on proposed scope of services
      5. Specimen proposed scope of services
    2. B Design Brief
      1. Design Brief stage
      2. Notes on determining an initial brief
      3. Model letter to client re preparing an initial brief
      4. Notes on preparing an initial brief
      5. Specimen initial brief
      6. Notes on brief schedules and diagrams
      7. Specimen room schedule
      8. Specimen room requirements schedule
      9. Specimen adjacency relationships matrix
      10. Specimen space relationship diagram
      11. Notes on letter to client confirming stage approval
      12. Model letter to client confirming stage approval
  14. CDE Design
    1. C Concept
      1. Concept stage
      2. Notes on letter to client re surveys
      3. Model letter to client re surveys
      4. Notes on letters to surveyor tenderers
      5. Model letter to surveyor tenderers (measured drawings)
      6. Model letter to surveyor tenderers (building survey)
      7. Model letter to surveyor tenderers (party wall survey)
      8. Notes on site report and condition schedules
      9. Specimen site report
      10. Specimen condition schedule
      11. Notes on letters re prospective consultants
      12. Model letter to client re consultant appointments
      13. Model letter to prospective consultant
      14. Notes on letter to previous designer
      15. Model letter to previous designer
      16. Notes on project register
      17. Specimen project register
      18. Notes on resources projection
      19. Specimen resources projection
      20. Notes on materials schedule
      21. Specimen materials schedule
      22. Model letter to utility
      23. Notes on letter to client at end of stage
      24. Model letter to client at end of stage
    2. D Design Development
      1. Design Development stage
      2. Planning applications
      3. Model letter to planning/listed buildings officer
      4. Model letter to client re planning fees
      5. Model letter accompanying planning application
      6. Notes on consents record
      7. Specimen consents record
      8. Notes on outline specification
      9. Specimen outline specification (extract)
      10. Notes on client’s instruction
      11. Model letter to client re instruction
      12. Specimen client’s instruction
    3. E Technical Design
      1. Technical stage
      2. Notes on contract documents
      3. Drawing standards
      4. Drawings: typical location drawing sheet
      5. Drawings: typical location/assembly drawing sheet
      6. Drawings: typical assembly drawing (A4 panel)
      7. Drawing standards: symbols and materials
      8. Notes on specifications and schedules
      9. Specimen specification (contract conditions) (extract)
      10. Specimen specification (materials and workmanship) (extract)
      11. Specimen work schedule (extract)
      12. Specimen internal finishes schedule (extract)
      13. Specimen sanitary fittings schedule (extract)
      14. Specimen door schedule (extract)
      15. Specimen ff&e schedule (extract)
      16. Model letter to client re building regulations
      17. Model letter re building regulations quotation
  15. FGH Pre-construction
    1. F Production Information
      1. Production Information stage
      2. Notes on letter to client re CDM Regulations
      3. Model letter to client re CDM Regulations
      4. Specimen risk appraisal
      5. Specimen risk assessment
      6. Notes on letter to client re procurement route
      7. Model letter to client re procurement route
    2. G Tender Documentation
      1. Tender Documentation stage
      2. Notes on letter to client re tender list
      3. Model letter to client re tender list
      4. Notes on letter to client re contract terms
      5. Model letter to client re contract terms
    3. H Tender Action
      1. Tender Action stage
      2. Notes on letter to client re site inspector
      3. Model letter to client re site inspector
      4. Notes on obtaining tenders
      5. Model letter to prospective tenderers
      6. Model letter to tenderers
      7. Specimen form of tender
      8. Specimen schedule of tenderers
      9. Model letter to lowest tenderer
      10. Model letter to second lowest tenderer
      11. Model letter to unsuccessful tenderers
      12. Completing MW 05
      13. Model letter to prospective FF&E fabricator
      14. Model letter to prospective FF&E supplier
  16. JK Construction
    1. J Mobilisation
      1. Mobilisation stage
      2. Notes on letters before construction
      3. Model letter to contractor before construction
      4. Model letter to client before construction
      5. Specimen schedule of contractors/suppliers
    2. K Construction to Practical Completion
      1. Construction to Practical Completion stage
      2. Notes on FF&E purchase order (as agent)
      3. Specimen FF&E purchase order (as agent)
      4. Notes on letter to client regarding bespoke FF&E
      5. Model letter to client regarding bespoke FF&E
      6. Notes on site visit report
      7. Specimen site visit report
      8. Notes on meeting minutes
      9. Specimen meeting minutes
      10. Notes on designer’s instruction
      11. Specimen designer’s instruction
      12. Notes on defective work
      13. Specimen designer’s instruction concerning defective work
      14. Notes on certificates
      15. Specimen progress payment (or penultimate) certificate
      16. Model letter to client at practical completion
      17. Specimen certificate of practical completion
  17. L Use
    1. L Post Practical Completion
      1. Post Practical Completion stage
      2. Model letter to contractor before completion
      3. Specimen certificate of completion of making good defects
      4. Model letter to contractor after completion
      5. Specimen final certificate
      6. Notes on letter to photographer
      7. Model letter to photographer
  18. FFE Supply
    1. FF&E Supply
      1. Notes on letter and FF&E sales order (as principal)
      2. Model letter re FF&E sales order (as principal)
      3. Specimen FF&E sales order (as principal)
      4. Notes on FF&E purchase order (as principal)
      5. Specimen FF&E purchase order (as principal)
      6. Model letter re faulty goods
  19. £ Payment
    1. £C Payment collection
      1. Charging options
      2. Notes on invoicing
      3. Model letter to client re payment application
      4. Specimen fee schedule (hourly charging basis)
      5. Specimen payment application
      6. Model letter to client re sales invoice
      7. Specimen sales invoice
      8. Specimen expenses schedule
      9. Specimen disbursements schedule
      10. Specimen final fee schedule (several charging bases)
      11. Specimen final payment application
      12. Payment collection
      13. Model letter to client re late payment
      14. Specimen payment reminder
      15. Model letter to client re late payment (second)
    2. £E Payment enforcement
      1. Notes on letter to professional indemnity insurers
      2. Model letter to professional indemnity insurers
      3. Model letters to client re charges due
      4. Notes on letter to client re payment made
      5. Model letter to client re payment made
      6. Dispute resolution
      7. Preparing for a dispute
      8. Giving evidence in a hearing
  20. Appendix
    1. Applicable case law
  21. Bibliography
  22. Index
  23. British Institute of Interior Design

Product information

  • Title: The BIID Interior Design Job Book
  • Author(s): Diana Yakeley
  • Release date: July 2019
  • Publisher(s): RIBA Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781000703658