© Chris Conlan 2017
Chris ConlanThe Blender Python API10.1007/978-1-4842-2802-9_7

7. Advanced Add-On Development

Chris Conlan
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
This chapter discusses various topics in advanced add-on development. We conclude the chapter with an in-depth look at some of Blender’s most popular add-ons.
Topics include developing in Blender’s filesystem, developing outside Blender’s Text Editor, organizing your add-on as a traditional Python module, advanced panel organization, data storage best practices, and submitting your add-on to Blender.

Developing in Blender’s Filesystem

Up to this point, we have developed scripts and add-ons in the Blender Text Editor. We have dealt with the cumbersome task of adjusting our add-ons to work both in the ...

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