

  1. Abstraction

  2. Add-on development

    1. advanced panel creations

SeeAdvanced panel creation
  1. algorithmic manipulation of primitives

  2. bl_info dictionary

  3. bpy.types.Operator

  4. deployment and sharing

  5. distribution

  6. EnumProperty

  7. hardcoded Python variables

  8. IDEs

  9. imports

  10. init file

  11. interchange formats

  12. panels and class inheritance

  13. poll() classmethod

  14. register() and unregister()

  15. scene properties and bpy.props

  16. template

  17. types

  1. Advanced panel creation

    1. organizational functions

    2. panel icons

  2. Application programming interface (API)

B, C

  1. bgl and blf modules

    1. distance matrix

    2. handler

  1. bmesh module

    1. 3D object

    2. Edit Mode

SeeEdit Mode Transformations
  1. global and local coordinates

  2. indexing and cross-compatibility

  3. objects

  4. random shape growth

  5. selecting pieces

  6. transforming pieces

  1. bpy module

    1. abstraction

    2. activation

    3. app ...

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