Chapter Three: Hashes☆
Shubhani Aggarwal; Neeraj Kumar Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala, Punjab, India
Hashing is a method to store and retrieve records from a database. Anyone can insert, delete, and search for records based on a search key value. When hashes are implemented properly, the operations like inserting, deleting, etc. can be performed in constant time. Several hashes that have been discussed in this chapter are SHA-2, EtHash, Scrypt, X11, EquiHash, and Ripemd-160. These hash techniques can be used in various technologies like blockchain to secure storage of any type of data and information.
Secure hash algorithms; EtHash; Scrypt; X11; EquiHash; Ripemd-160
Chapter points
- • In this chapter, ...