Chapter 13 Yearbook predictions
A feeling of elation had definitely built among the group, and they hadn’t felt so close in a long time. Laughter flowed easily, as did the usual teasing that went on with any group of Australian friends.
‘Mate, I think you like wearing that sports uniform,’ teased Russ to Jasper. ‘If only you could go back in time.’
‘Looks better on me than you,’ retorted Jasper, running over to collect the ball and dribbling up and down the court again.
Ben was watching Jasper thoughtfully. ‘Well, that would certainly match my yearbook prediction,’ he said.
‘What? That Jasper would be wearing teenagers’ clothes at 43!’ Russ burst out, laughing at his mate.
‘Kind of,’ Ben replied. Jasper looked at him indignantly. ‘You can’t have thought I was such a cock-up way back then, Ben?’
Ben leaned back and looked Jasper in the eye. ‘Mate, I don’t see you as a cock-up now. What I do see is someone who has always loved sport, who is naturally good at it, and who can make it fun for a whole bunch of other people. A team coach or sports teacher was where I predicted you would end up.’
Jasper looked surprised by this. He sat back down on the bleachers and thought about it for a minute. ‘You know, I always wanted to be the sports star, not be the one coaching others. But, as you can all see, that hasn’t happened.’
‘So retrain!’ piped up Jayne excitedly. ‘You would be a great coach! ‘Kids need fun and to be using sport as a way of blowing off steam. They’d have fun with ...
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