Chapter EightThe business ethics toolbox
The team is gathered in the Stronach Group's boardroom in London for this the seventh workshop to be held as part of the ethics project. It is 8.55 am and we are all having coffee prior to the start of today's session. David Hurley, the HR Manager, is looking a little nervous as he gulps down his second cup of coffee in the last 10 minutes. He may well be nervous because I have asked him to do some presenting today.
Following the last evening workshop session which finished at 9.00 pm I shared a drink with Malcolm Mainwaring, the Group Finance Director. He told me that David was struggling with the task of reviewing and refreshing not only the Group's anti-bribery training but also its ethical training programme – he asked me if there was anything that I might be able to do to help David. Having thought about this, I came up with a plan. I called David at work the following day under the pretext of asking him to do me a favour – could he brief me on Stronach's current ethical development programme by way of preparation for the next workshop? This turned out to be a smart tactic because it got David talking and we subsequently arranged to meet up for lunch.
Over lunch David told me all about the current programme. He also made clear to me his frustrations over the lack of budget for this and also the lack of either support or ideas coming from any of his colleagues on ways to improve the ...
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