1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th flow –
see Six Influence Flows.
4 models / the 4th model –
describes four views of public relations as defined by James Grunig and Todd Hunt, the 4th being the one advocated by the Excellence study: the two-way symmetrical model.
Accessible –
easily understood or appreciated; friendly and easy to talk to; approachable.
American Marketing Association.
Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication.
American Productivity and Quality Center.
Advertising Value Equivalence; a discredited approach to gauging the value of public relations (or media relations more precisely).
Balanced Scorecard –
a BPM approach; a management system (not only a measurement system) that enables organizations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action; provides a framework that not only provides performance measurements, but helps planners to identify what should be done and measured.
Business Performance Management; the disciplined approach to management encompassing metric selection, measurement and organizational learning.
Buyer marketing –
individuals market their needs or desires, either directly or anonymously via a streams bank or other broker, to organizations interested in meeting that need or desire; also known as personal RFP (request for proposal).
Chief Communications Officer, also known as Director of Public Relations or Director of Corporate Communications; ...