© Ali Asad and Hamza Ali 2017

Ali Asad and Hamza Ali, The C# Programmer’s Study Guide (MCSD), 10.1007/978-1-4842-2860-9_5

5. Implementing Delegates & Events

Ali Asad and Hamza Ali1

(1)Sialkot, Pakistan

In any modern language, event-driven development is used to structure a program around various events. These events perform a certain functionality when a certain condition satisfies, for example, close the application when a user clicks on the “Exit” button. Or shut down the system when the heat Temperature rises, etc.

In this chapter, we’ll learn everything we need to know about event-driven development in C#.


Delegate is a type, similar to function pointers in C/C++. It stores the reference of a method inside a delegate object, to invoke ...

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