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S.R. Band, D.M. Cappelli, L.F. Fischer, A.P. Moore, E.D. Shaw, and R.F. Trzeciak, “Comparing Insider IT Sabotage and Espionage: A Model-Based Analysis,” Software Engineering Institute Technical Report CMU/SEI-2006-TR-026, Carnegie Mellon University, December 2006.

D.M. Cappelli, T. Caron, R.F. Trzeciak, and A.P. Moore, “Spotlight On: Programming Techniques Used as an Insider Attack Tool,” Joint CyLab (CMU) and CERT (SEI) Report, December 2008.

D.M. Cappelli, Moore, A.P., Trzeciak, R.F. and Shimeall, T.J., “Common Sense Guide to Prevention and Detection ...

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