It's been just over 12 months since the first edition of The ChatGPT Revolution hit the shelves. In that time, I've seen an explosion of curiosity and enthusiasm about ChatGPT from people everywhere. So many of us want to explore how the power of AI tools like ChatGPT can be used to improve our daily lives.
While writing this second edition, I reflected on how much has changed in such a short time span. We've gone from one simple app that helped with tricky emails to now, when ChatGPT has its own app store where developers can create and sell new GPT tools.
Things certainly have been progressing at pace.
The artificial intelligence landscape has continued to evolve, giving us an almost‐equal mix of new opportunities and challenges. It's increasingly apparent that there is massive potential for ChatGPT and other generative AI applications to revolutionise the way we work and manage our lives.
In this updated edition, I build upon the foundations laid in the first, covering even more practical applications for ChatGPT and exploring the latest advances and trends in AI.
As always, I invite you to approach these pages with an open mind and a willingness to embrace possibility.
AI and related technologies are not going anywhere. In fact, they are becoming more pervasive every week. The future belongs to those who are willing to seize it, and with ChatGPT and this book by your side, you'll be off to a great start.
I write books about productivity because I'm on a mission ...
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