The Climate Bonus

Book description

We urgently need to transform to a low carbon society, yet our progress is painfully slow, in part because there is widespread public concern that this will require sacrifice and high costs. But this need not be the case. Many carbon reduction policies provide a range of additional benefits, from reduced air pollution and increased energy security to financial savings and healthier lifestyles, that can offset the costs of climate action.

This book maps out the links between low carbon policies and their co-benefits, and shows how low carbon policies can lead to cleaner air and water, conservation of forests, more sustainable agriculture, less waste, safer and more secure energy, cost savings for households and businesses and a stronger and more stable economy. The book discusses the ways in which joined-up policies can help to maximise the synergies and minimise the conflicts between climate policy and other aspects of sustainability.

Through rigorous analysis of the facts, the author presents well-reasoned and evidenced recommendations for policy-makers and all those with an interest in making a healthier and happier society. This book shows us how, instead of being paralysed by the threat of climate change, we can use it as a stimulus to escape from our dependence on polluting fossil fuels, and make the transition to a cleaner, safer and more sustainable future.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Contents
  5. List of figures
  6. List of tables
  7. List of boxes
  8. Acknowledgements
  9. A note on units
  10. Abbreviations
  11. 1 Introduction
  12. 2 The big picture: how climate policies are linked to co-benefits
    1. Fossil fuels and industrial processes
    2. Land use and agriculture
      1. Forest protection
      2. Agriculture
    3. Waste management
    4. Grouping the co-benefits
  13. 3 Cleaner air: cutting fossil fuel pollution
    1. Acid, dust and ozone: the downside of fossil fuels
      1. Health effects
      2. Ecosystem effects
      3. The big clean-up: is it working?
    2. Relevant climate policies
      1. Cutting energy consumption
      2. Low-carbon energy
      3. Emission controls
      4. Forests and other land-use changes
    3. Co-benefits
      1. Health benefits in the UK
      2. Health and ecosystem benefits in Europe
      3. Health and ecosystem benefits worldwide
      4. Methane, ozone and black carbon
      5. Indoor air pollution
    4. Conflicts
      1. End-of-pipe solutions
      2. Diesel for transport
      3. Air pollution from biofuels
      4. Nuclear pollution
      5. Geo-engineering
    5. The way forward
  14. 4 Greener land: forests, food and farming
    1. Relevant climate policies
      1. Protecting and increasing forest carbon
      2. Increasing carbon stored in agricultural soils
      3. Agroforestry and perennial crops
      4. Reduced emissions from nitrogen fertilisers
      5. Reducing methane emissions
      6. Bioenergy
      7. Improving yields
      8. Eating less meat and dairy produce
    2. Co-benefits
      1. Forests
      2. Agriculture
    3. Conflicts
      1. Problems with forest carbon schemes
      2. Bioenergy and biochar
      3. Feeding the world
    4. The way forward
      1. Food, fuel, forests: a balanced approach to land use
      2. Valuing ecosystems: making REDD work
      3. Sustainable biofuels
      4. Sustainable food
  15. 5 Secure and safe energy: adapting to Peak Oil
    1. Cheap energy – the end of an era?
      1. Peak Oil
      2. Peak Gas
      3. Peak Coal
      4. Market concentration: who’s got the power?
      5. Diminishing returns: the EROI problem
      6. Energy crunch: growing demand; inadequate investment
    2. Relevant climate policies
      1. Cutting energy consumption
      2. Renewables
      3. Nuclear
      4. Fuel switching
    3. Co-benefits
      1. Secure energy
      2. Affordable energy
      3. Safe, clean, sustainable energy
      4. Energy access for all
    4. Conflicts
      1. Fossil fuels: ‘Drill, baby, drill!’?
      2. Nuclear power
      3. Variable renewables: what happens when the wind stops?
      4. Biofuels
      5. Other impacts of renewables
    5. The way forward
  16. 6 Less waste: a resource-efficient economy
    1. Materials: a hidden source of carbon emissions
      1. Trends in material use
      2. Carbon omissions
      3. The material efficiency challenge
    2. Relevant climate policies
      1. Recycling
      2. Reuse and re-manufacture
      3. Resource-efficient production
      4. Cutting consumer waste
      5. Dematerialising the economy
    3. Co-benefits
      1. Peak everything: conserving valuable resources
      2. Resource wars: reducing conflict
      3. Clean planet: reducing environmental and social impacts
      4. Less waste: reducing disposal problems
      5. Saving money: don’t waste our waste
      6. New businesses, happy customers
    4. Conflicts
      1. Rare metals for clean technology
      2. Trade and international development
    5. The way forward
      1. Resource sufficiency: living within our means
      2. Developing countries: escaping the resource curse
  17. 7 A stronger economy: long-term stability and prosperity
    1. Relevant climate policies
      1. Resource efficiency
      2. Low-carbon energy
      3. Lifestyle changes
      4. Caps and taxes
    2. Co-benefits
      1. Jobs
      2. Cost savings
      3. Competitiveness, innovation and new business opportunities
      4. A secure and stable economy
    3. Conflicts
      1. The cost barrier: can we afford the future?
      2. Competition: a mass exodus to pollution havens?
      3. Fuel poverty: hitting the poor hardest
      4. Developing countries: catch-up or leapfrog?
      5. Cost savings versus carbon savings: the rebound effect
      6. Is endless growth possible? The 9-billion-tonne hamster says no
    4. The way forward
      1. Safe carbon limits
      2. Mobilising investment in low-carbon technologies
      3. Cushioning the transition
      4. New economic thinking
  18. 8 Health and well-being: benefits of a low-carbon lifestyle
    1. Relevant climate policies
      1. Eating better
      2. Driving less
      3. Less materialistic lifestyles
    2. Co-benefits
      1. Health and fitness
      2. Safer, quieter streets
      3. Stronger communities
      4. Beyond shopping: buy less, work less, be happy?
    3. Conflicts
    4. The way forward
      1. Promoting lifestyle changes
      2. Encouraging low-impact diets
      3. Enabling sustainable travel choices
      4. Achieving a better work–life balance
  19. 9 Joining the dots
    1. The Climate Bonus
    2. Health and well-being: the heart of sustainability
    3. Looking at the big picture
    4. A tale of two strategies
      1. Isolated policies: fossil fuel lock-in
      2. Joined-up policies: a green economy
    5. An integrated policy framework
      1. General policies
      2. Specific areas
  20. Notes
  21. References
  22. Index

Product information

  • Title: The Climate Bonus
  • Author(s): Alison Smith
  • Release date: June 2013
  • Publisher(s): Routledge
  • ISBN: 9781136271151