12Your Communication Plan

“Communication works for those who work at it.”

—John Powell

You made it! You have experienced our thoughts on relational dynamics and the code words needed to unlock the relationships in your life. You have gone through the gauntlet of understanding the stages of communication, and that communication is a two‐way street (see Figure 12.1).

Effective communication requires understanding and attention to each of these stages. By being mindful of the message, channel, receiver, feedback, noise, and context, you can improve your communication skills and build stronger relationships with others.

It's now time to get practical. Think of two relationships (one from work and one at home) that you want to work on to improve. We are going to help you create your communication plan.

A schematic illustration of the Communication Code. The diagram shows transmitting and receiving the signal. The processes involved are as follows. Critique, Collaborate, Clarify, Care, and Celebrate.

Figure 12.1 The Communication Code.


Who are the people that you want to unlock a relationship?

Person 1: _____________________________________

Person 2: _____________________________________


What do you want to rebuild or hope happens with each?

Person 1: _____________________________________

Person 2: _____________________________________

What are your expectations for these people, and are they realistic?

Person 1: _____________________________________

Person 2: _____________________________________

What is the incentive for you to reestablish communication with ...

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