IPsec Connections
This section will discuss how to connect to an Easy VPN Server using pre-shared keys and certificates for device authentication via Advanced Mode. As you go through this part of the chapter, note that you can connect your Cisco client to a VPN 3000 concentrator running at least Version 3.0, a PIX running 6.2.2(122) or 6.3(1), an ASA running 7.0, or an IOS router running 12.2(8)T with IPsec. For a 4.6 client, the corresponding concentrator code is 4.1.6, but 3.0 is the minimal version required on a concentrator—just realize that you’ll be missing out on a lot of features using a concentrator with an older version of code than a client and vice versa—the same is true of a PIX, ASA, or router as an Easy VPN Server.
Creating Connections ...
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