The Complete Google Go Programming Course For Beginners

Video description

The Benefits You Will Gain From This Course Are Endless!

Our goal for you in this course is: For you to become a beginner Ninja in one of the hottest new languages called "Google Go" and also known as Golang. Google go is taking the development world by storm, because of its system level access and its design which gives programmers the ability to create multi-core programs. This is the first development language really developed for the type of mutli-core cpu computers that have been in the market for the last ten years. Created by three genius developers are google - to solve deficiencies google was experiencing with conventional computer languages. This course is especially structured to solve a number of problems that introductions to programming languages suffer form.

What You Will Learn

  • Compile and run Google Go (Golang) Programs
  • Create your own fully featured programs in Google Go (Golang).
  • Really understand how computers work, what programming is and how to develop programs.
  • Use the Community Version of IntelliJ IDEA?, to edit, compile and run Google Go programs
  • Be an effective beginner Google Go (Golang) Ninja! At the end of this course you will have a competent foundation in all the essential concepts of Google Go (Golang).
  • Find their way to using and undrestanding advanced Google Go (Golang) resources, to moving
  • Learn the basics of programming in one of the hottest new languages - without losing your mind!


Students whom want to learn the basics of Google Go (Golang) quickly, with great examples that fully explain how go works.Students whom want to learn how to program in a fantastic new languages that is going places, and taking the world by storm. There's no better language to get started with than Google Go (Golang)!

About The Author

David Valentine: Mr. David Valentine - The Backyard Data ScientistMr. David Valentine is a decorated Enterprise Architect with over seventeen years of experience in enterprise computing environments. He currently works for the Province of Manitoba, in Canada where he is a responsible for the architecture of the Server and Mainframe computer environment. Mr. Valentine has a passion for Data Science, Computer Science, Machine Learning and Data Science. As the "Backyard Data Scientist", he bring his experience and ability to simplify challenging technical topics to Data Science. He's delighted to offer the world his first course on the Udemy platform, "Machine Learning for Data Science"

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction to Google Go (Golang)
    1. Promotion Video
    2. What will you learn from this course?
    3. Who is this course is for?
    4. What is Google Go (also called Golang)?
    5. Why would you want to learn google go (Golang)?
    6. Secret weapons to really succeed with the course.
  2. Chapter 2 : Getting Started with Google Go (Golang)
    1. Your Emergency Go Parachute
    2. Installing Google Go
    3. Setting up your Go Environment and Golang Workspace
    4. Hello World
    5. Installing your IDE - Part 1 - Installing GIT
    6. Introducing Visual Studio Code - Alternative IDE
    7. Visual Studio Code Installation – Windows
    8. Visual Studio Code Installation – Linux
    9. Visual Studio Code Installation - Mac OS
    10. Debugging with Visual Studio Code (Multi Platform, Windows / Linux / Mac OS)
    11. Installing your IDE – Part 2 – Choose your own adventure!
    12. Installing your IDE – Part 3 - Go..go..gogland! (Option #1)
    13. Installing your IDE – Part 4 – Modifying the plugin to use the community edition of IntellJ IDEA (Option #2)
    14. Installing your IDE – Part 5 – Using IntellJ IDEA ultimate (trial version) with the golang plug in (Option #3)
  3. Chapter 3 : Fundamental Google Go (Golang)
    1. What is programming - Part 1- Binary and 10 kinds of people
    2. What is programming - Part 2 – Hexawhat?
    3. What is programming - Part 3 - What processing actually is
    4. What is programming - Part 4 - How it all ties together and the power of Golang
    5. Understanding the Hello World Program - "No chicken or egg for us!"
    6. Variables and Constants - Part 1 - Simple Declarations and Data Types
    7. Variables and Constants - Part 2 - Example time!
    8. Variables and Constants - Part 3 - Declaration, Assignment and Initializations
    9. Expressions - Expresso? No... expressions - super important core concept here!
  4. Chapter 4 : Intermediate Beginners Google Go (Golang)
    1. Loops - Part 1 - Count Down For New Years Eve! - The great setup!
    2. Loops - Part 2 - Count down from 1000? No problem. Solving the looping problem
    3. If - Part 1 - Hands on If Statements, and "How old are you!"
    4. If - Part 2 - Hands on If statements... and the "else if!"
    5. If - Part 3 - "If .... or ELSE!"
    6. Switch - Part 1 - "And a partridge in a pear tree..."
    7. Switch - Part 2 - Hands on switch!
    8. Switch - Part 3 - Fallingthrough Golang with a partridge in a pear tree!
    9. Functions Part 1 - And the introduction of the super brain!
    10. Functions Part 2 - The simplest function there ever was....
    11. Functions Part 3 - And the data came back...the very next day... and the data..
    12. Functions - Part 4 - Pointers! By Reference! By Value! See it in action here!
    13. Understanding Scope - (No.... not the mouthwash)
  5. Chapter 5 : Advanced Beginners Google Go (Golang)
    1. Arrays and Slices - Part 1 - Arrays... and seeing multiple!
    2. Arrays and Slices - Part 2 - Hands on Arrays
    3. Arrays and Slices - Part 3 - Slices - A slice of nice!
    4. Arrays and Slices - Part 4 - Hands on slices..... and the power within!
    5. Advanced Topics - Simple Statements (that aren't quite so simple....)
    6. For Range Loops - Processing forloops in a blink of an eye...
    7. Variadic Functions - No function ever sounded "so cool". Variadic...functions.
    8. Where to go from here!
  6. Chapter 6 : Bonus Videos
    1. Installing your IDE - Part 2 - Installing IDEA

Product information

  • Title: The Complete Google Go Programming Course For Beginners
  • Author(s): David Valentine
  • Release date: October 2017
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781788626972