accounting system, adequacy of, 15–16
adjustable-price contracts, 2
allowable cost comparison, 324
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 11
approved accounting system, 130–132
award fee, 201–202
award fee distribution, 226–227
award-fee plan, cost-plus-award-fee contracts
evaluation periods, 213
evaluation process, 217–221
evaluation requirements, 215
overview, 207–209
performance evaluation criteria, 214–215
ratings, 215–216
revisions, 221
roles and responsibilities, 209–213
weighting, 216–217
award-fee plan, fixed-price-award-fee contracts
evaluation periods, 248–249
evaluation process, 253
evaluation requirements, 250–251
evaluations of delivery order/task
order contracts, 256
interim evaluation, 253–255
overview, 242–244 ...