The Complete Guide to ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 6)

Video description

This is a beginner to an advanced-level course on .NET 6 that will take you from basics all the way to advanced mode. This course is for anyone who is new to ASP.NET Core or who is familiar with ASP.NET and wants to take the first stab at understanding what is different in ASP.NET Core. From there, we will build multiple projects to understand all the concepts in .NET 6 as we deploy our final application on Azure as well as IIS.

This is a beginner to an advanced-level course on .NET 6 that will take you from basics all the way to advanced mode. This course is for anyone who is new to ASP.NET Core or who is familiar with ASP.NET and wants to take the first stab at understanding what is different in ASP.NET Core. From there, we will build multiple projects to understand all the concepts in .NET 6 as we deploy our final application on Azure as well as IIS.

We will then discuss new concepts in ASP.NET Core. We will build a small Razor application with CRUD operations using the Entity Framework for integration with the database. We will build our Bulky Book website where you will learn advanced topics in ASP.NET MVC Core. Finally, we will deploy our Bulky Book website on Microsoft Azure and IIS.

By the end of the course, you will be able to build your own application using ASP.NET Core MVC, Entity Framework Core, and ASP.NET Core Identity.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn the structure of the ASP NET MVC and Razor project
  • Learn basic and advanced fundamentals of ASP.NET MVC Core
  • Learn about Stripe's integration choices for accepting online payments
  • Add Google and Facebook authentication/login to the project
  • Enable SMS and email notifications
  • Learn to deploy the website on Microsoft Azure


This course is for anyone interested in learning ASP.NET MVC core from the ground up, as well as the most recent changes in Microsoft’s newest framework. If you want to learn how to architect large-scale projects, this is the course for you.

You will require a basic understanding of .NET Core 6 (MVC and API) as well as 3-6 months of C# experience. You will need Visual Studio 2022 and SQL Server Management Studio 2018.

About The Author

Bhrugen Patel: Bhrugen Patel is a passionate and creative software engineer with a strong focus on simplicity and thorough details. He has been programming since high school and was involved with multiple web and desktop projects using .NET. He has a master’s degree in computer science and a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering. He also has many years of experience with .NET C# and .NET MVC. He enjoys teaching alongside his full-time job.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction
    1. Welcome
    2. Live Preview
    3. Tools Needed
    4. Introduction to .NET Core
    5. Dependency Injection
    6. Create Project
    7. Hot Reload
    8. Project File
    9. Launchsettings, wwwroot, and appsettings
    10. Program Class File
    11. MVC Architecture
    12. Routing Overview
    13. Routing in Action
    14. Default Views
    15. Tag Helper
    16. Action Result
  2. Chapter 2 : MVC Basics - CRUD Operation
    1. Create Category Model
    2. Add Data Annotations
    3. Add Connection String
    4. Add ApplicationDbContext
    5. Set Up Program.cs to Use DbContext
    6. Create Database
    7. Create Category Controller
    8. Retrieve All Categories
    9. Display All Categories
    10. Bootswatch Theme
    11. Bootstrap Icons
    12. Create Category View
    13. Demo - Create Category
    14. Server-Side Validations
    15. Custom Validation
    16. Add Client-Side Validation
    17. Display Name and Range Validation
    18. Edit Category - GET
    19. Edit Category - POST
    20. Delete Category
    21. Tempdata
    22. Partial Views
    23. Toastr Alerts
    24. Scaffold CRUD
  3. Chapter 3 : Razor Pages - CRUD Operation
    1. Introduction
    2. Create Project
    3. What's Different
    4. Razor Pages Introduction
    5. Pages in Razor Project
    6. Routing Overview
    7. Create Category Model
    8. Data Annotations
    9. Connection String
    10. ApplicationDbContext
    11. Program.cs Database Settings
    12. Create Database
    13. Categories Get Action Method
    14. Display All Categories
    15. Add Create Category Button
    16. Create Category UI
    17. Create Property in Page Model
    18. Create Category and Bind Property
    19. Bootswatch
    20. Server-Side Validations
    21. Custom Validations
    22. Display Name and Range Annotation
    23. Client-Side Validations
    24. Links for Edit and Delete
    25. Edit Category
    26. Back to List
    27. Delete Category
    28. TempData
    29. Toastr
    30. Partial Views
    31. Scaffold CRUD Pages
    32. Back to Main Project
  4. Chapter 4 : N-Tier Architecture
    1. Creating More Projects
    2. N-Tier Architecture
    3. Help Tip 1 - How to Handle Corrupted Migrations
    4. Bootswatch Theme
  5. Chapter 5 : Repository Pattern
    1. Introduction to Repository
    2. Repository Overview
    3. Repository Pattern Detailed Flow
    4. Repository Pattern Architecture
    5. IRepository Interface
    6. Implement IRepository
    7. Category Repository Interface
    8. Implement Category Repository
    9. Replace DbContext with Category Repository
    10. Implementing Unit of Work
    11. UnitOfWork in Action
    12. Assignment 1 - Cover Type Repository
    13. Assignment 1 Solution - Cover Type Repository
    14. Areas in .NET Core
    15. Areas in Action
    16. Assignment 2 - Cover Type Controller and Views
    17. Assignment 2 Solution - Cover Type Controller and Views
    18. Dropdown in Navigation
  6. Chapter 6 : Product Management
    1. Create Product Model
    2. Create Product Table
    3. Product Repository
    4. Create Product Controller
    5. Product Get Action UI
    6. Projections Using Select
    7. View Bag in .NET Core
    8. ViewData in .NET Core
    9. View Models
    10. Add File Upload
    11. Sweetalerts
    12. Create First Product
    13. Add API EndPoint for DataTable
    14. Loading Datatables
    15. Include Properties
    16. Render HTML in datatables
    17. Load Product on Upsert Get
    18. Update Product
    19. Update Book Images
    20. Delete API Endpoint
    21. Delete Product
    22. Tinymce Editor
  7. Chapter 7 : Home Page
    1. Home Page
    2. Lux theme
    3. Details Action Method
    4. Details UI
  8. Chapter 8 : Identity Management
    1. Scaffold Identity
    2. What Got Added to Identity
    3. Add Identity Tables
    4. Identity Bugs with Scaffolded Pages
    5. Register and Login in Action
    6. Add More fields to Identity Table
    7. Assignment 3 - Company CRUD
    8. Assignment 3 - Solution Company CRUD
    9. Add Roles to Application
    10. Create Roles for Website
    11. Add More Fields on Register UI
    12. Display All Roles in Dropdown
    13. Register User with Roles
    14. Company Dropdown
    15. Toggle Company Dropdown
    16. Register Company User
  9. Chapter 9 : Shopping Cart
    1. Add Shopping Cart Table to Database
    2. Add Shopping Cart and Application User Repository
    3. Add Items to Shopping Cart
    4. Add Items to Existing Cart
    5. Configure Application Cookie
    6. Shopping Cart UI
    7. Load Shopping Cart List in Get Action
    8. Price Calculation Based on Quantity
    9. Cart Total
    10. Updating Quantity in Shopping Cart
    11. Cart Summary UI
  10. Chapter 10 : Order Creation
    1. Create Order Header and Details Model
    2. Add Order Header and Details to UnitOfWork
    3. Summary GET Action Method
    4. Load Summary UI with data
    5. Summary POST Action Method
    6. Create Order
    7. Create Stripe Account
    8. Stripe Secrets Configuration
    9. Call Stripe from Summary Page
    10. Save Stripe Session ID and Payment Intent ID
    11. Order Confirmation
    12. Payments in Action
  11. Chapter 11 : Order Management
    1. Flow for Company User
    2. Place Order for Company User
    3. OrderVM and Retrieve All Orders
    4. Display all Orders
    5. Add Status Filter to Order List
    6. Toggle UI For Status Based on Selection
    7. Demo - Filters in Order List
    8. Role-Based Order Display
    9. Order Details Get Action
    10. Loading Order Details Header
    11. Display Order Details
    12. Order Processing Buttons Logic
    13. Update Order Details and EF Core Tracking
    14. Ship Order
    15. Cancel Order
    16. Cancel Order Issue - PaymentIntentId Null?
    17. Delayed Payment
  12. Chapter 12 : MVC Advanced Concepts
    1. Authorization
    2. Email Sender Using MimeKit and MailKit
    3. Test Email Sender
    4. SendGrid
    5. Session in Action
    6. Remove from Session
    7. View Component Code
    8. View Component in Action
    9. Facebook Login
    10. Demo - Facebook Login
    11. Hide Roles from Registration
    12. Session Bug
  13. Chapter 13 : Seed Database and Azure Deployment
    1. DbInitializer Interface
    2. Implement DbInitializer
    3. Azure Database
    4. Azure Deployment

Product information

  • Title: The Complete Guide to ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 6)
  • Author(s): Bhrugen Patel
  • Release date: June 2022
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781801074247