The Complete Manual of Typography366
new OpenType fonts with, 198 199
typesetting nonalphabetic fonts, 44
on Windows computer, 58 59, 211,
258 259
tab cycle, 239 , 325
tab entries, tables
alignment in numeric tables, 257
alignment of, 245246, 248
alignment of heads and, 252 254
balancing with column widths and
gutters, 248 249
defined, 239 , 325
indention in, 246 247
leading and, 249
leading for runovers in, 249
narrow example, 249
in spreadsheet-style tables,
243 244
straddle heads and, 240
void or missing, 257
Tab key, 183
for indention, 84
for indention, improper use of, 183
keystroked codes and, 18
typesetting vs. typewriting, 91
word processors and, ...

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