AppendixProject Tools

  1. Project Roles—Checklist and Blend-ability
  2. Budgeting Formulas—Calculating a Budget Estimate
  3. Budgeting for Contingency—Arriving at a Contingency Number
  4. Project Meetings—Key Meetings, Participants, and Agendas
  5. Running Effective Meetings—Tips for Keep Meetings on Track
  6. Trough of FUD—Graphic of Emotions in Software Development
  7. Alpha Stage/First Look—How to Distinguish a Good Mess from a Bad Mess
  8. Project Timeline—A High Level Typical Timeline
  9. Heat Map—A Tool to Track Project Status
  10. Budget Tracking—A Tool to Report on Project Budget
  11. Project Flow Graphic—A Graphic Showing Times of Project Conflict and Calm
  12. Common Late-Stage Problems—The Three Most Common Causes of Problems
  13. Classifying UAT Feedback—Instructions to User Acceptance Testers
  14. Cyber Security—Important Safety Tips

1. Project Roles—Checklist and Blend-ability

The following worksheet outlines the roles necessary on a project and which roles may best be blended:

Role Blend with? Notes
Program manager Business analyst CIO, CTO, or consultant
Project manager Do not blend Detailed thinker. Choose PM with good softwaredevelopment background as opposed to industry-specific.
Business analyst UX and program management BAs are big-picture thinkers. A visually trained BA can do UX. Sometimes a vendor's account manager will also serve as a BA.
User experience BA or front-end programmer A visual BA can also serve in the UX role. Also, a front-end programmer with good communication skills can play the UX ...

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