How to Maximize the Return on Your Email Marketing Dollars
Depending on which study you read, it can take six to seven interactions to turn a prospective customer into a first-time customer. Many of the business owners who come to Constant Contact seeking higher returns on their marketing dollars quickly realize that higher returns happen when they stop focusing so heavily on acquiring new customers and spend more time communicating effectively after the initial touch.
Figuring out where your customers come from helps you determine where to invest your money and where to cut unprofitable spending. In case you think you know exactly where your customers come from, consider the following example:
Sally, a small business owner with a brick-and-mortar jewelry store, is contemplating stopping sending emails because most of her new customers were coming from the online ads she places on Google when people search for “jewelry store in Omaha, NE.”
When Sally asks her new customers how they found out about her, they say they searched online and found her web site. However, if she had conducted further investigation, she would have found that her new customers actually come from her emails and several other touch points.
For example, she asks people to join her email list at the networking events she attends each week. These prospective customers are receiving her emails, but they aren’t always ready to buy jewelry immediately when the emails ...
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