


monitoring, 566-568

moving onscreen objects, 571-575

accelerometer, calculating, orientation, 569-570

accelerometer-based scroll view, 575-578

accessibility, 591-592

broadcasting, updates, 599

Dynamic Type, 601-604

enabling, 593-594

hints, 596

IB, 592

labels, 595-596

speech synthesis, 600-601


on iOS, 599-601

with simulators, 597-598

traits, 594-595

Accessibility Inspector, 597-598

accessibilityFrame, 592

accessibilityHint, 592

accessibilityLabel, 592

accessibilityLabel property, 595

accessibilityPath, 592

accessibilityTraits, 592

accessibilityValue, 592


basic device information, 555-556

sensor data, 566

system pasteboards, 451-452

accessory views, 363-364

accessoryType property, 363

accumulating, user tracings ...

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