7The Individual Courage Advancement Plan: ICAP

Corporations, government agencies, nonprofits, and key executives pay organizational consultants to help them escape the entanglements of the day‐to‐day so they can do serious strategic planning. This allows them to focus on the essentials, not get caught in the weeds, and steadily thrive on the path forward.

The ICAP is your strategic assessment and a plan of action to overcome your fears, gain courage competence, and become your best self in the long game.

Like The Playbook, it asks you to deeply reflect on questions we seldom ask and even less frequently answer from our inner core. Like the Bio Form in Step One, it's a self‐appraisal that lets you gauge the great progress you began in Parts I and II.

The following questions are a courage refresher and warm‐up for using your ICAP as an assessment, planning, and navigation tool to continue your journey.

  • Who are you really? In terms of doing the right thing in treating self and others?
  • Who are you supposed to be? In terms of courage, clarity, and core identity?
  • What's the gap between the two?
  • What's your plan to close the gap? (You need a plan, a map, and milestones.)
  • What are the roadblocks that could stop you? (You know them very well.)
  • What steps will you courageously take to overcome the roadblocks?
  • How will you sustain progress toward your identity in courage?

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