Chapter 3Introduction to Crowd Funding Platforms and Services
Anyone who knows anything about reward-based crowd funding has heard about Kickstarter and most likely Indiegogo, as well. However, as you’ll discover from this chapter, there are a growing number of additional reward-based crowd funding platforms, some of which are designed to handle very specific types of projects, while others take a very different approach to crowd funding than Kickstarter and/or Indiegogo that you may find appealing.
Each platform has its own features, options, and fees associated with it and often takes a unique approach when it comes to collecting funds from backers and dispersing those funds to project creators. What’s nice about using a reward-based crowd funding platform to host your campaign is that all of the tools needed to create and manage your campaign are online, and each project is given its own unique web page and website address (URL) that’s hosted by the platform.
Thus, the project creator can create, launch, and manage a reward-based crowd funding campaign with any computer or device that has Internet access and a web browser. No specialized software or programming is required. The majority of these platforms offers tools that are as easy to use as a word processor ...
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