Testing Our Checkout Class

To implement the next step, edit step_definitions/CheckoutSteps.java so that the second step definition looks like this:

@When(​"^I checkout (\\d+) \"(.*?)\"$"​)
public​ ​void​ iCheckout(​int​ itemCount, ​String​ itemName) ​throws​ ​Throwable​ {
Checkout checkout = ​new​ Checkout();
checkout.add(itemCount, bananaPrice);

This code attempts to call an add() on an instance of our Checkout class, passing it the number of items being bought and their price.

This time when we run ./cucumber, we should get a compile error because we haven’t created a Checkout class yet:

step_definitions/CheckoutSteps.java:15: error: cannot find symbol
Checkout checkout = ...

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