Moving to Guice
Guice is a DI container from Google with many of the same features as PicoContainer. In our opinion it’s not as easy to use as PicoContainer, but it does have some extra possibilities, as we’ll see. Also, since it’s part of the popular Google toolset, you may already be familiar with it.
We’ll quickly modify our existing ATM solution to run with Guice, pointing out the differences as we go. Further details can be found on the Guice website.[56] Note that as of this writing Guice 4.0 is in beta, but this example uses Guice 3.0 and cucumber-guice-1.2.0.
Switching the DI Container
We’ll start with the refactored code that we produced at the end of the previous section. The first thing to do is replace the dependencies on cucumber-picocontainer ...
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