8It Can't Be Delegated

For Customer Success to be the driving force it needs to be, the CEO must own it. Why is that? Because without successful customers, your business will ultimately fail. It is your job as the head of your company to make sure that every part of your company is oriented around your customers. But how do CEOs cram one more responsibility onto their already-overloaded plates? Let's find out.

I'm Sorry, I Need to Own What Now?

That's right, if you're the CEO of your company, you need to own Customer Success—along with everything else you own. Granted, ownership is one of the most overused terms in the modern work world; it shows up in the business buzzword dictionary right next to synergy and “taking things offline.” In a typical large company, you'll find at least a dozen people who “own” hot initiatives with buzzy names like “the cloud” or “our AI strategy.”

If you're a CEO reading this, you're probably thinking, “Have you seen my schedule? How can I possibly own anything more?” You've already been told to own your product destiny, your growth plans, your capital strategy, your culture—heck, Nick even owns our “rap video offer letter strategy” (that's right: Nick occasionally sends rap videos to candidates).

But our challenge to you is, “How can you not own it?” The future of your company depends on it.

Truthfully, we don't know any CEOs who are eager to own more. Most are looking to recruit, delegate, and empower (more buzzword bingo). And in the early ...

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