Chapter 7 Identifying, Analyzing, and Evaluating Cyber Risks
Information Security Forum (ISF) Steve Durbin, Managing Director, Information Security Forum Ltd.
The chief risk officer, Nathan, put it plainly to CEO Tom: “To say that cybersecurity presents complex challenges is an understatement. The scope of risk to sensitive information has grown exponentially during the twenty-first century. Those risks not only involve technical factors, but human, cultural, and legal factors, as well as economics. Of course, the profession of cybersecurity has struggled to grow in tandem with these challenges. But nobody has the resources to ensure complete data security. Figuring out where security investments are justified requires a sophisticated understanding of the risk landscape.”
The Landscape of Risk
Hardly a day goes by when the evening news does not include a report about a major institution reluctantly announcing that its files have been hacked. The stories tend to follow a familiar pattern: expressions of official regret, attempts at reassurance, and pledges to do whatever is required to prevent its future recurrence.
Attacks on institutional and corporate databases have become the new normal. A generation of workers comfortable with information sharing has also grown accustomed to its negative consequences. The capabilities of cybercriminals continue advancing at an alarming pace. And the losses associated with major data attacks, which run into the millions, are increasingly ...
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