Governed Organizations: Trust in Data Pays Multiple Benefits
The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second rule is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.
Characteristics of a Governed Organization
• Think globally, act globally
• Unified data governance strategy
• Comfortable incorporating external data without fear of corrupting existing, internal data
• Executive sponsorship
Technology Adoption
• Business process automation
• Master data management (MDM)
Business Capabilities
• Business requirements drive IT projects
• Repeatable, automated business processes
• Personalized customer relationships and optimized operations
1. Data quality and data governance should never be considered a one-time project. A quality culture must be established as an ongoing, continuous process.
2. No organization can tackle enterprise-wide data quality and data governance all at once. To be successful, your journey must be evolutionary. Start small and take achievable steps that can be measured along the way.
Governed organizations trust their data. They trust that they can make strategic decisions based on it. They trust that they can automate processes that are dependent on the data. In a world ...